
Nanjing Guanhua Trade Co.,Ltd.

Agricultural surfactant and special chemicals

Product name Physical state
Active matter content
Moisture (%) Pour point and melting point
Function Application E.P.A. condition Note
1.Mixed emulsifier                
GERONOL CH/100 Liquid 76 <1 < 0 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 910  
GERONOL CH/400 Liquid 90 <1 12 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 910  
GERONOL CH/450 Liquid 85 <1 15 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 910  
GERONOL CH/800 Liquid 95 <1 8 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL CH/850 Liquid >98 <0.5 15 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL FF/4-C Liquid 68 <1 < 0 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL FF/6-C Paste 92 <1 16 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL FF/4-EC Liquid 68 <1 < 0 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL FF/6-EC Paste 83 <1 15 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL MS-C Liquid 95 <1 9 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL MS-EC Liquid 94 <1 < 0 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 920  
GERONOL E/600 Liquid 100 <0.5 < 0 General emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 910  
GERONOL EW/01 Liquid 100 <0.5 15 General emulsifier EW-EC -  
GERONOL EW/36 Paste 100 <0.5 20 General emulsifier EW-EC 960  
GERONOL ME/01 Paste 90 <0.5 23 General emulsifier ME-EC 910  
GERONOL CH/A Liquid 85 <1 5 Special emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE - 73% propargite emulsifiable concentrate
GERONOL PR/500W Liquid 88 <1 < 0 Special emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE - Propanil emulsifiable concentrate
GERONOL VO/01 Liquid 100 <0.5 < 0 Special emulsifier OF-EC-EW-SE 910 Special vegetable oil emulsifier
GERONOL VO/02N Liquid 95 <0.5 < 0 Special emulsifier OF-EC-EW-SE - Special formic ester oil emulsifier
GERONOL MO/P Liquid >80 <0.5 < 0 Special emulsifier OF-EC-EW-SE 910 Special mineral oil emulsifier
2.Nonionic surfactant                
ALKAMULS OR/36 Paste 100 <0.5 20 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SE 960  
IGEPAL BC/10 Liquid 100 <0.5 5 Emulsifier; wetting agent; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-SL 910  
IGEPAL BC/20 Wax 100 <0.5 25 Emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SE 910  
ANTAROX B/848 Paste 100 <0.5 15 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE -  
ANTAROX PLG/254 Liquid 50 <0.5 18 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE 960  
SOPROPHOR BSU Liquid 100 <0.5 15 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-SL 920  
SOPROPHOR CY/8 Paste 100 <0.5 30 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-SL 920  
RHODASURF ID/70 Liquid 100 <0.5 < 0 Emulsifier; synergist EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-SL 910  
RHODASURF 840 Liquid 100 <0.5 < 0 Emulsifier; synergist EC-SC-SE-SL 910  
RHODASURF 860/P Liquid 100 <0.5 3 Emulsifier; synergist EC-SC-SE-SL 910  
3.Anionic surfactant                
SOPROPHOR FL Liquid 98 <2.5 約 5 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
SOPROPHOR 4D384 Liquid 100 <1 15 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
SOPROPHOR 3D33 Liquid 97.5 <2.5 <0 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE 920  
SOPROPHOR SC Liquid 98 <2.5 約 5 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
SOPROPHOR FD Liquid 99 <1 15 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
SOPROPHOR SC/2 Liquid 40 5 < 0 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EC-EW-ME-SC-SE 920  
SOPROPHOR SC/3 Liquid 80 20 < 0 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EW-ME-SC-SE -  
SOPROPHOR SC/4 Liquid 80 20 < 0 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EW-ME-SC-SE -  
SOPROPHOR SC/5 Liquid 95 5 < 0 Dispersing agent; emulsifier EW-ME-SC-SE 920  
RHODACAL 70/B-C Liquid 70 <1 < 0 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE 910  
RHODACAL 60/BE-C Liquid 60 <0.5 < 0 Emulsifier; dispersing agent EC-EW-ME-SC-SE 920  
SUPRAGIL MNS/90 Powder 90 <8 n/a Dispersing agent SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
SUPRAGIL WP Powder 70 <5 n/a Wetting agent SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
SUPRAGIL MNS/88 Powder >88 <4 n/a Dispersing agent SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
SUPRAGIL RM/210-EI Powder 80 <8 n/a Dispersing agent SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
SUPRAGIL GN Powder 70 <6 n/a Dispersing agent SC-SE-WP-WG -  
4.Special synergist                
GERONOL CF/AS 30 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF/AS 30HL Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF/AS 45 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF/82-CC Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF/IV-C Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF/PG50 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
AG-RHO FKC1500 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
GERONOL FKC1800 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Gyphosate solution
RHODAMEEN CF/15H Liquid 95 <5 < 0 Synergist SL - Gyphosate solution
GERONOL CF70G Liquid n/a <40 < 0 Synergist WSG 920 Gyphosate granule
GERONOL CF118G Liquid n/a <5 < 0 Synergist WSG - Gyphosate granule
GERONOL MP/900-W Paste n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 910 Paraquat aqueous solution
GERONOL MP/901-W Paste n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 910 Paraquat aqueous solution
GERONOL MP/966W Paste n/a - < 0 Synergist SL - Paraquat aqueous solution
GERONOL MP/966A Paste n/a - < 0 Synergist SL - Paraquat aqueous solution
GERONOL GLU Liquid 95 - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Glufosinate solution
GERONOL N70K Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist SL 920 Glufosinate solution
Drum mixed aid                
GERONOL TM/01 Liquid 75 16 < 0 Synergist   910 Drum mixed aid
GERONOL TM/02 Liquid 75 - < 0 Synergist   910 Drum mixed aid
GERONOL TM/03 Liquid 100 <0.5 < 0 Synergist   - Drum mixed aid
GERONOL TM/04 Liquid n/a - < 0 Synergist   910 Drum mixed aid
Ag-Rho Ultimate Liquid n/a - <0 Synergist   920 Drum mixed aid
5.Special agricultural chemicals                
GEROPON L-WET/F Powder 95 <5 n/a Wetting agent SC-WP-WG 910  
GEROPON L-WET/P Powder 95 <5 n/a Wetting agent SC-WP-WG 910  
GEROPON SC/213 Powder 90 <10 n/a Dispersign agent; compatilizer SC-SE-WP-WG -  
GEROPON SDS Powder 85 <2 n/a Wetting agent; Synergist SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
GEROPON T/36 Powder 90 <10 n/a Dispersign agent; compatilizer SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
GEROPON T/77 Powder 67 <10 n/a Dispersing agent; Wetting agent WP-WG 910  
GEROPON TA/72 Powder 90 <10 n/a Dispersign agent; compatilizer SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
GEROPON DA Liquid 35 - < 0 Dispersing agent SC-SE 910  
GEROPON K/77 Liquid 25 - < 0 Dispersign agent; compatilizer SC-SE-WP-WG 910  
AG-RHO SP33-D Powder 95 5 n/a Dispersign agent; compatilizer SC-SE-WP-WG 920  
Organosilicone antifoaming agent series                
RHODORSIL 432 Liquid 30 - n/a Antifoaming agent EW-SC-SE-WG-SL-ME 910  
RHODORSIL Silcolapse 5020 Liquid 20 - n/a Antifoaming agent EW-SC-SE-WG-SL-ME 910  
Rheolobic modifier                
AG-RHO POL 23/W Powder 100 <13 n/a Rheolobic modifier EW-SC-SE 950  
Special green solvent                
RHODIASOLV RPDE Liquid 100 <0.5 -20 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  -  
RHODIASOLV GRREN 21 Liquid 100 <0.5 <0 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
RHODIASOLV GRREN 25 Liquid 100 <0.5 <0 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
RHODIASOLV POLARCLEAN Liquid 100 <0.5 -60 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  -  
RHODIASOLV ADMA10 Liquid 100 <0.5 -15 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
RHODIASOLV ADMA810 Liquid 100 <0.5 -15 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
RHODIASOLV TEBU/45 Liquid 100 <0.5 -15 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
RHODIASOLV IRIS  Liquid 100 <0.5 <0 Environment friendly solvent EC-EW  920  
Nitrogen fertilizer synergist                
Ag-Rho N Protect  Liquid 100 <0.5 <0 Urease inhibitor - 920  
Seed additive                
Ag-Rho GSB Powder 100 <1.0 n/a Growth accelerant - 920  
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