
Nanjing Guanhua Trade Co.,Ltd.

The company mainly engages in the sales of Solvay agricultural surfactants, which are used in various pesticides. We can offer professional technical supports and formula services. Contact Us: +86-25-83269357,+86-25-83269370.
Agricultural emulsifier details

  Dispersing agent Wetting agent Emulsifier Synergist Antifoaming agent  Thickener
Water dispersible granule (WDG) Product Features Product Features     Rhodorsil
Geropon T/36 White, general type Geropon L-WET/P White, low foam
Geropon SC/213 White, suitable for triazine herbicides Geropon L-WET/F White, good wetting ability
Geropon SC/223 White, smooth granulation LS-94WP White, high cost performance
Geropon TA/72 White, high cost performance Geropon SDS  
Supragil MNS/90 Brown, general type dispersing agent Supragil WP Yellowish-brown, low foam
Supragil MNS/88  
Supragil RM-210EI  
Suspension concentrate (SC) Product Features Product Features   Geronol TM/04  
suitable for cotton crops.
Pol 23/W
Soprophor SC White, general type Igepal BC/10 Classic wetting agent
Soprophor FD Can get excellent effect with K77s Rhodasurf 860/P Low foam, free of nonyl phenol
Supragil MNS90 Can increase stability of formula
Oil suspended agent (OD)     For vegetable oil Geronol  VO/01       
For methyl ester oil Geronol VO/02N 
Geronol  VO/05
For mineral oil Geronol  MO/P
Suspension emulsion (SE) Same as SC Same as SC Geronol E601       Rhodorsil 
Pol 23/W
Geronol E602
Alkamus OR36
Soprophor BSU, CY8, B848
Emulsion in water (EW)     Geronol EW/01   Rhodorsil 
Pol 23/W
Geronol EW/36
Soprophor SC
Soprophor BSU
Wettable powder (WP) Same as WDG Same as WDG        
Missible oil (EC)     Lipophilic emulsifier Hydrophobic emulsifier Rhodasurf ID/70 Green solvents in product details
Geronol CH100 Geronol CH800
Geronol FF/4-C  Geronol FF/6-C
Geronol FF/4-EC Geronol FF/6-EC
  Geronol MS/C
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